Coding School


Develop a multitude of skills in GUI navigation, 3D modelling, advanced algebra and computer programming.

Maths. Physics. Programming. Fun.

Work through the coding challenges of building advanced games and pick up valuable maths and physics skills along the way.

Work through our 6 competency levels to become a game developer.

Level 1
Gaming Essentials

From ‘what is a game?’ to taking a step-by-step approach to publishing your very first Roblox game. Balancing 3D modelling, Lua coding and game design.

Project task: Roblox Obstacle Course

Level 2
Advanced Roblox

Experience most of what Roblox Lua has to offer. Learn to call on different services and learn how to communicate between server and client-side script.

Project task: Roblox First-Person Shooters (FPS)

Level 3
Unreal Puzzles

Unlock skills in a high-performance game engine. Learn 2 new computer languages and develop an understanding of complex logic. Coded with Blueprints and C++.

Project task: Unreal Engine Pizza Game

Level 4
Unity Essentials

Use the world’s most popular game engine to create an experience that throws us back to the early days of SNES. Learn to handle objects using the most common programming language for games and apps: C#.

Project task: 2D Platformer

Level 5
Unity Advanced

Work on your newly gained C# knowledge and create your masterpiece. An app-store-ready 3D mobile game. This course contains advanced coding and advanced physics.

Project task: 3D Multi-Player Game

Level 6
Virtual Reality

You’re now ready to take part in the future of gaming. We head back to Unreal Engine to create a Oculus-ready virtual reality game. Create. Publish. Play. You are now a fully fledged game developer!

Project task: Virtual Reality UE5 Game


Electricity has become part of everything we do. Start from the fundamentals and learn how to build autonomous cars and drones.

AI. IoT. Electricity. Cars and Drones.

Work your way through sensors, cables, power and code. Combine them together to achieve amazing results.

Work through our 6 competency levels to become a robotics engineer:

Level 1

Learning the basics of electrical components, how electricity works and how we can modify and adopt it to use to our advantage.

Project task: Build a basic robotic vehicle to take home

Level 2

Linking previous knowledge with how sensors detect the world around us combined with how we can use them to improve our robots.

Project task: Build and take home a car with an obstruction sensor

Level 3

Stepping up in robotics engineering, you will begin to write C++ code which can improve sensor precision.

Project task: Build and take home a multifunctional (4-function) sensor car

Level 4

Learning Gyroscope based around a key sensor used in drone technology. This key milestone enables students to apply physics and maths to their coding.

Project task: Build and take home a self-balancing, two-wheel car

Level 5

Building on the Gyroscope knowledge, students embark on the hallmark of a great robotics engineer.

Project task: Build and take home a basic functionality drone

Level 6

Combine the knowledge of the previous five levels, and use AI areas to build a high-precision drone capable of communicating over the internet.

Project task: Build and take home advanced AI drone


Python is the second-most popular coding language in the world. Prepare your children for the technological world of the future.

Ultimate Prep for a Data-Driven World

Use critical thinking and logic to solve real-world data problems, starting with the fundamentals of Python.

Work through our 4 competency levels to become a Python coder:

Level 1
Principles of Python

Delve into the world of Python. Learn how to declare and use variables, classes and objects. Combine these with conditional logic to create your very own adventure story.

Project task: Python Budget Assistant

Level 2
Python Librarian

Introduce students to powerful Python libraries like NumPy and Pandas, emphasising their applications in data manipulation. Students will create a personal budget-management tool.

Project task: Python Budget Assistant

Level 3
Data Visualisation

Learn Data Manipulation and Visualisation. Students will use libraries like Matplotlib and Seaborn, discovering the importance of representing data in a clear, concise and engaging manner.

Project task: Python – My Life in Data

Level 4
Statistical Analysis & AI

Students will be introduced to the foundational knowledge of statistical analysis techniques and the basics of artificial intelligence, focusing on their real-world applications and interplay.

Project task: Grade Prediction Tool